Fox River Grove

Community Notifications

Hydrant Flushing Next Week
It is hydrant flushing time. The Public Works Department flushes, inspects and flow tests all fire hydrants twice a year - spring and fall. The entire water distribution system is flushed clean to improve water quality and ensure that all fire hydrants are in good operating condition for emergencies. Hydrant flushing will begin next Monday, April 15th.

Check for hydrant flushing signs posted at major intersections and at entrances to subdivisions. When Public Works crews are flushing, there may be some loss of water pressure. Also check for discoloration of the water before doing laundry. If you notice any discoloration, turn on cold water until there is no more discoloration in the water.

Migrant Bus Drop Off Update (12/23/23)
No Overnight Parking of Commercial Vehicles (11/13/23)
Meet with Mayor Marc (11/7/23)
Halloween Update (10/25/23)
Upcoming Events Impacting FRG Traffic (9/27/23)
E-Waste Pickup (9/15/23)
Coyote Notification (6/8/23)
Spring Cleanup (5/19/23)
Hydrant Flushing (4/14/23)
Park Master Plans Open House (1/15/23)